onsdag 7. april 2010

Tandoori fra Mamta

Tandoori Chicken - 1

Tandoori Murga - 1

Mamta Gupta

Top Picture: Chicken in Yoghurt marinade

2nd Picture: Chicken in marinade without yoghurt or coconut milk

3rd Picture: Chicken cooking

4th Picture: Chicken ready & served with lime wedges and red chillies

Tandoori chicken is one of the most popular non-vegetarian dishes on an Indian menu. The name ‘tandoori’ simply means cooked in a ‘tandoor’ or a very hot oven, often made of clay. It does not dictate the exact spices used or the colour of the finished product. The dish cooks just as well in any type of hot oven.

In many restaurants, it is made with ready-made tandoori mixes, which include bright food colours that give it a horrible red colour. I prefer not to add any artificial colouring and make my own tandoori marinade. The marinade is very quick and easy to prepare using a liquidizer or blender. Spices are of one’s own choice. Any chicken pieces will do but my choice is small drum sticks or small thigh pieces on bone. In Indian cooking, skin is always removed from the chicken, before it is cooked. You can use either yoghurt or coconut milk, both give their different and unique flavour. Same marinade can be used for lamb or mutton pieces (tandoori lamb). This chicken is suitable for BBQ. Serves 6

If you happen to make a little more tandoori marinade than needed, marinade some vegetables like peppers, aubergines etc. in it and cook in a hot oven for 20 minutes or so. they taste very nice. See pictures.


• 1 kg. chicken pieces, skin removed, washed and drained

• Marinade:

• 3-4 cloves garlic, peeled

• 1 inch piece or 1 tbs. grated ginger, peeled

• 2 tsp. cardamom seeds or powder*

• 4-5 cloves*

• 2 bay leaves*

• 1 1/2 tsp. ground black peppers*

• 1 tsp. cinnamon powder*

• *These five whole spices can be substituted with 2 heaped tsp. of Garam Masala

• Flesh of 1 lime or lemon, rind and pips removed

• 3-6 green or red chillies (less or more as desired), stalk removed

• 1/2 bunch fresh coriander leaves (optional)

• A few strands of saffron (optional)

• 2 tbs. cooking oil

• Salt to taste

• 1 tsp. paprika powder for colour (optional)

• A small carton (150 ml.) of thick yoghurt** or coconut milk (you can omit yoghurt and coconut milk if you don't have them)

• 1 tbs. plain flour***

• 1 tsp cumin seeds (optional)


1. Prick each chicken piece a few times with a fork. This helps to absorb flavours.

2. Place ginger, garlic, cardamoms*, cloves*, bay leaf*, cinnamon powder*, black pepper*, peeled lemon, green chillies, coriander, saffron, cooking oil and salt in a liquidizer and blitz for a few seconds, to make a smooth paste.

3. Add yoghurt* or coconut milk and blitz again for a couple of seconds to mix everything well.

4. Adjust salt and spices. Both should taste extra strong at this stage, as they will be added to 1 kilogram of chicken.

5. Add and mix cumin seeds to the marinade, if using.

6. Mix with chicken pieces, place in an airtight box and leave overnight or longer in the fridge.

7. Heat oven to 240º C or 475º F (a tandoor is supposed to be very hot).

8. Line a baking tray with aluminium foil (this saves washing up).

9. Place chicken pieces on the tray and bake in the centre of a hot oven, until nicely browned. Time varies for different ovens but it usually takes around 25-30 minutes in a preheated oven. You may need to turn the pieces over half way through cooking, but usually this is not necessary. You may need to drain off the excess liquid from the cooking tray halfway through, so that the cooked chicken is not soggy. Save the drained liquid to make gravy. See below ***. When ready, chicken pieces should look crispy and charred in places, as if you have cooked them on a BBQ. The meat should begin to ‘come off’ the bones.

10. ***To make gravy, dissolve 1 tablespoon of flour in 2-3 tablespoons of water or cold milk, add it to the drained liquid and boil for a couple of minutes, until it thickens like custard. Serve alongside the chicken.

11. You can serve it as a starter or as part of a main meal, with other curries, dals and Nan. Mint Sauce in Yoghurt goes well with it. You can also serve it with salad and vegetables, as a main meal.


• Tandoor is always very hot, so your oven must be pre-heated to maximum for tandoori dishes. If cooked on lower temperatures, the chicken/meat becomes tough.

• Yoghurt or coconut milk is not an essential ingredient. I sometimes cook it without these. Just add a little extra oil and lemon juice. In this case, the spices cling to the chicken better and there is less of the liquid, but the taste is slightly different.

• This dish can also be cooked without an oven:

• Heat ghee in a pan and brown the marinated chicken pieces on high heat.

• Lower the heat, cover and simmer until chicken is cooked ( approx. 20-30 minutes)

• Adjust salt and chillies.

• Dry the gravy to a minimum.

• Also see Tandoori Chicken 2, Tandoori Chicken 3, Tandoori Chicken 4, Tandoori Chicken 5.

• **Tips for cooking with yoghurt:

• Always use full fat yoghurt, if possible. Skimmed milk yoghurt sometimes curdles during cooking. If you wish to use low fat yoghurt, add 1 heaped teaspoon of plain or corn flour per cup of yoghurt.

• Make sure that the dish you are cooking is at room temperature. If yoghurt is cooked straight from the fridge, it may curdle.

• When adding yoghurt during cooking, take out a few tablespoons of the hot food in a bowl, mix yoghurt, warming it a bit and then stir it back into the hot dish.

• Substitute sour cream for yoghurt, using only half the amount.

Buy ingredients from a recommended supplier, Spices of India. For more information, see here.

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If you have any comments or questions about this recipe, please post them to our Discussion Board, including the recipe name.

Tandoori kylling

8 stk kyllinglår eller 1 stor kylling delt i porsjonsstykker

10 stk nellik, hele
2 ts korianderfrø
2 ts spisskummenfrø
frø fra 10 kardemommekapsler
2 stk løk
4 fedd hvitløk
5 cm ingefær, fersk
2 ts chilipulver, mildt evt. 2 ts paprikapulver
0,25 ts sterkt chilipulver
2 ts pepper, kvernet
1 ts gurkemeie
3,5 dl yoghurt naturell
1 dl sitronsaft

Tomat- og agurksalat:

Ca 4,5 stk tomater i små terninger
0,5 stk agurk, finhakket
1 stk chili finhakket
0,5 stk løk, finhakket
finhakket, frisk koriander
1 stk lime, saften
0,5 ts sukker
litt salt

1 beger yoghurt naturell
1 stk agurk
1 ss mynte, hakket
0,5 ts salt
0,5 ts pepper
1 ts sukker


Rist de hele krydderne noen minutter i en tørr stekepanne til de begynner å dufte godt. Avkjøl og støt dem i en morter. Ha grovdelt løk, hvitløk og finhakket ingefær i en hurtigmikser sammen med chili, pepper og gurkemeie. Kjør alt til en jevn mos. Tilsett yoghurt og sitronsaft. Flå av skinnet på kyllinglårene og del dem i to ved leddet. Skjær snitt i kjøttet for at marinaden kan trenge inn. Legg kyllingstykkene i marinaden. Mariner et døgn eller over natten i kjøleskap.

Legg kyllingstykkene i en ildfast form og hell over marinaden. Sett formen inn i ovnen ved 200 °C og stek i ca. 30 minutter eller til kjøttet er gjennomstekt. Server med tomat- og agurksalat, basmatiris, raita eller tzatsiki og chutney.

Tomat- og agurksalat:

Bland alle ingrediensene og sett salaten kaldt frem til servering.


Skrell en agurk og gni den lett med salt. Riv den på et rivjern og sil fra overflødig væske. Vend agurken inn i yoghurten sammen med litt finhakket mynte. Smak til med salt, pepper og sukker. Raita skal serveres kjølig

Traktkantarell suppe


Tørket traktkantarell har veldig mye smak, så du trenger ikke bruke så mye av gangen
Til 4 personer, eller forrett 6-8 personer:

1 dl tørket sopp
2 finhakkede sjalottløk, eller 1 liten vanlig løk.
3-4 ss smør
3-4 ss hvetemel
1 ¼ l vann + 2 hønsebuljongterninger
2 dl crème fraîche
1 ss tomatpuré
Litt salt og pepper
1 ss presset sitron eller litt portvin/sherry?
Finhakket gressløk

Knus de tørkede soppene med hånden. Legg soppen i en liten bolle, hell på ca. 2 dl kokende vann (av vannmengden til suppen) og la det stå ½-1 time. Sil deretter soppen gjennom en sikt og ta vare på bløtevannet.
Fres løken i smør på ganske svak varme i ca. 5 minutter, bland i soppen (uten bløtevann)
og la alt frese 5-10 minutter.
Dryss på melet og rør om. Hell i litt av vannet, bare et par dl, og rør rundt slik at melet løser seg godt opp. Hell på resten av vannet og smuldre i buljongterningene.

Kok suppen på ganske svak varme i ca. 20 min. Visp i crème fraîche og tomatpuré. Smak til med salt og pepper, sitron og evt. portvin/sherry. Server med finhakket gressløk.